Tag Archives: ishgard

prompt 23: alms

church had pews—fine wooden ones, intricately carved of century-old
oak. The last priest had had them varnished until they glowed. To
destroy them was blasphemy, but Evrard was not thinking of his soul
when he took an axe to them. He was thinking of fire.

frost was at the door, and the men of his parish were freezing.)

church had fine golden statues, worth a king’s random. The last
priest had had them polished until one could see one’s face in
them. To sell them was unthinkable, but all the same Evrard weighed
the cost in his mind before taking them to a jeweler who would ask no
questions of his parish priest. Melt these and pry out the gems,
and pray give me the remainder.
The saints’ sacrifices bought
coal and cookware, heavy rugs and winter clothing.

frost was at the sill, and the women of his parish were freezing.)

church had a copy of the Enchiridion, all gold and gems and ink that
fairly glowed on the page. The last priest had had it rebound in a
case of platinum and sapphires. It was a most sacred book, the very
words of Halone herself. It kept the fires burning for a day longer.

frost was at the walls, and the children of his parish were

church. The church had…

had the generosity of its congregation, their warm and beating hearts
spared from shriveling by the pain of their neighbors and the certain
knowledge that it could be any one of them next.
It had the support Evrard could wring from those more fortunate,
begging and borrowing and cursing his way to a little more firewood,
a few more coats for the children, some food to keep body and soul
together. It had so little, but what it had was enough. It had to be
enough. He walked the spider’s thread each sunrise, praying to the
Fury that it was enough.

frost was in the city’s heart, but the hearts of his parish refused
to freeze.)

prompt 20: two birds with one stone

for the first time that day, Tiphanie Mercer felt an oncoming
headache coalescing behind her eyes. Rubbing her temples would stave
it off, but she would run the risk of appearing undignified—or
worse, emotionally affected by the argument going on around her. She
kept her hands by her side and forced herself not to curl them into
fists as the voices around her escalated.

absolute worst part, she thought grumpily, was that it had all been
going so well. She’d called the rest
of her fellow apprentices together to discuss how best to convince
Master Duviroix to agree with Madame Tempscire’s proposal
for some
kind of standardized schooling, and they’d been having a rather
productive meeting until Baptistaux had suggested blackmail,
whereupon Ermengarde had called him a cheating snake and everything
had gone rapidly downhill.

she saw Daimbert rolling his sleeves up, she cracked the butt of her
staff on the flagstones. “Enough!”


you’re being ridiculous—”

pragmatic thing—”

said enough!”
Her voice snapped out like a whip and surprised even herself with her
own volume, but she forged ahead. “Miss Kemp,
kindly apologize to Master Cahernaut. Master Gardner, if you must
threaten to punch anyone, please refrain from doing it in this
conference room over my painstakingly prepared notes which have not
yet dried. Now, leaving aside the frankly embarrassing actions of
this past quarter-bell, has anyone
come up with any sort of a plan?”

half a dozen apprentice politicians competed in the Synchronized
Fidgeting And Staring At The Wall contest, she fought the urge to
bury her face in her hands. Deep
breaths, Tiffy.

“Alright.” She locked gazes with each of them in turn. “We are
not blackmailing Master Duviroix. Expedient it may be, but it is both
dishonorable and likely to get our mistress in trouble. Besides, it
has occurred to me that we do not need to.”

fulms tall,
Baptistaux was always
looking down at her; the raised eyebrow didn’t help. “Have
you a better idea?”

drummed her fingers on her staff for a moment, thinking through the
possible holes in her plan before she spoke. “Master Duviroix has
no children. This affair, as deeply as we love it, holds no meaning
for him. However, his sister does
happen to live in a rented house just off the Jeweled Crozier, and
Master Guillespie her landlord believes Madame Tempscire to be of
like mind with him in regards to whether landlords should be facing
any sort of regulations at all.”

wants him skinned and gutted,” Ermengarde pointed out.

couldn’t help but smile. “Ah, but Master Duviroix does not know
that. Yet.
Now, if we were to deliver the news that our mistress could be
persuaded to vote nay on that matter…”

get our vote, and
we get to see Guillespie’s bloody face!” Daimbert looked
positively gleeful. “Tiffy, I could kiss you.”

do not.”

she couldn’t stop herself from smiling, all the same. She
it when a plan came together.

prompt 15: plateau

Pillars are crowded—today is a market day, and the Jeweled Crozier
has no shortage of silk-gowned nobles and their servants on
display—but the throng
sees Evrard’s gleaming
and gives him space. Today is the day after his ordination, where he
will receive his assigned benefice. As he exits Saint Reymanaud’s,
his face and his ears are
set in a resolutely neutral mien.


on, Ev, do
tell us where they sent you!”

friends are chattering, but he can’t make himself hear them. For
the first time in many weeks, he finally feels calm.
His hands have stopped shaking. The air is cold as he crosses the
Hoplon, but he barely feels it. It will be far colder where he’s

stone railing under
his bare hands is intricately carved and worn smooth as glass from
generations of hands gripping it just where he is. His gaze drifts
downwards; past the fog and the many layers of the See between them,
he knows the Brume’s people are waiting for him. His friends are
kind and well-meaning, but they will see it as a shame,
as a demotion,
and trying to open their eyes will only bring anger on everyone’s
part. Most of them are Foundation-born, like
him, but
they have been trained to look only heavensward, sparing little and
less for those that scurry on the ground with them.

whispers the name, half to himself. This will be his new living, his
home until the See reassigns him or until he dies. This will be the
flock he guards from the wolves. It
won’t feel real until he says it—not
while he still stands high upon the Pillars, feeling nothing but the
wintry breeze around him.

Lady’s Mercy.”


“The most dangerous man, to any government, is the man who is able to
think things out for himself, without regard to the prevailing superstitions
and taboos. Almost inevitably he come to the conclusion that the government he
lives under is dishonest, insane and intolerable, and so, if he is a romantic,
he tries to change it. And even if he is not a romantic personally he is very
apt to spread discontent among those who are.” –H.L. Mencken

FFXIV Lore: Ishgard Preview – Timeline




The full lore compilation is still going to be a while yet (hopefully before Encyclopedia Eorzea volume 2… hopefully…) but here you can get a taste of the fruits of my efforts to meticulously document and source every bit of Ishgard lore I can find. This timeline covers the Sixth Astral Era, Seventh Umbral Era, and all patches of A Realm Reborn, Heavensward, and Stormblood up to 4.4, so THERE ARE MAJOR SPOILERS, for MSQ and job and sidequests!

Commenting directly on the doc is not enabled, as last time that just led to lots of people making comments accidentally. But if you have questions, comments, or corrections, please don’t feel shy about getting in touch! I’m just a nerd. Additions and corrections will likely be made to the timeline in the full doc, hopefully to be posted before the end of October.

You are out here doing Halone’s good work. Thank you.

FFXIV Lore: Ishgard Preview – Timeline

New character! And now I’ve filled up my slots on Coeurl so I’m done. Meet Tiphanie Mercer, Ishgardian mixed hyur/elezen, who’s currently sidetracking her eventual-she-swears diploma from St Endalim’s Scholasticate for a burgeoning career in POLITICS. Her conjurer’s staff is for thwacking people in the shins, which is probably expected behavior in the House of Commons (she’s one of her speaker’s assistants). Her tag still needs filling up and I’m still working on her character page (god help me) but she exists! Look at the noodly nerd.